CEO Blog
July 7, 2017
Thank you first to all candidates who stood up and volunteered to be considered! Your profession salutes you and your willingness to serve. Thanks also to all APhA members who cast ballots in the elections for the Board of Trustees and the APhA Academy of Pharmacy Practice & Management (APhA–…
June 23, 2017
This is the last week at APhA for Associate Director of Program Integrity Catherine Amey, who has served in the federal contracts and grants department since 2011. It’s always bittersweet to see a member of the APhA family move on, but this is a special case that really makes me smile. Catherine…
June 19, 2017
I recently read a story that really got me thinking about the opioid crisis and the complex web of factors that brought us here. I encourage you to check out The opioid crisis changed how doctors think about pain by Sarah Kliff.
Kliff writes—and I agree—that we must recognize the history of…
May 30, 2017
You can help APhA decide where it stands on the issues facing pharmacists and their patients!
APhA official policy is decided by our House of Delegates (HOD), which acts for the betterment of the membership, the profession, and our patients. The most important responsibility of delegates is to…
May 22, 2017
What an interesting week!
Last week, APhA Senior Vice President of Pharmacy Practice and Government Affairs Stacie Maass and I joined a small group for a meeting with U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price. He wanted our input on how to address high drug prices. We know…
May 15, 2017
For the last several years, I’ve been encouraging pharmacists to walk across the street and have a conversation with the physicians whose patients you see regularly. Have a conversation with them about how you can work together for better patient care. Often, especially with MACRA and other quality…
May 9, 2017
New evidence that Medicaid patients wait longer than privately insured patients to see their physician was published in the May 2017 Health Affairs.
Patients covered by Medicaid were 20% more likely than privately insured patients to wait 20 minutes or longer to see their physician, according to…
May 1, 2017
Being an active participant in APhA’s election process will take no more time than it takes to read this blog. I encourage eligible voters to take advantage of an important benefit and responsibility of APhA membership. By voting, you help shape the direction of YOUR Association.
If you think you’…
April 19, 2017
After our Annual Meeting, we go about the process of updating our leadership rosters and contact lists to reflect the changes as former leader terms expire and new ones begin. We also traditionally display the portraits of our three presidential officers (President-elect, President, and Immediate…
April 18, 2017
Most of us are engaged in one way or another in supporting patients with pain or assisting those with substance use disorder. To demonstrate the impact of pharmacists have as front line providers in the nationwide opioid crisis, the Journal of the American Pharmacists Association (JAPhA) has…