Congratulations to APhA’s newly elected Board and Academy leaders
Thank you first to all candidates who stood up and volunteered to be considered! Your profession salutes you and your willingness to serve. Thanks also to all APhA members who cast ballots in the elections for the Board of Trustees and the APhA Academy of Pharmacy Practice & Management (APhA–APPM) and the APhA Academy of Pharmaceutical Research & Science (APhA–APRS)! The votes have been tallied. I’m very pleased to announce the leaders who will guide the Association as we pursue pharmacist provider status recognition, full integration into the health care team, and patient access to the cost-effective and lifesaving care pharmacists can provide.
Brad Tice, PharmD, MBA, FAPhA, will be the 2018–19 APhA President-elect, succeeding Nicki L. Hilliard, PharmD, MHSA, BCNP, FAPhA, when she assumes the mantle of APhA President at APhA2018 in Nashville.
Members also elected Magaly Rodriguez de Bittner, PharmD, FAPhA, and Theresa Tolle, BPharm, FAPhA, for 3-year terms on the Board starting March 2018 in Nashville. Honorary President for the 2018–19 term is Stanley Shaw, PhD, FAPhA, FASHP, FFIP.
Catherine Kuhn, PharmD, FAPhA, was elected as the 2018–19 APhA-APPM President-elect. Elected as APhA–APPM executive committee members-at-large were Andrea Brookhart, PharmD, Denise Clayton, BSPharm, and Brent Thompson, PharmD.
For the 2018–19 term, APhA–APRS elected Jennifer Lamberts, PhD, as Basic Sciences Section Chair-elect; Roger D. Lander, PharmD, FASHP, FCCP, BCACP, as Clinical Sciences Section Chair-elect; and Spencer E. Harpe, PharmD, PhD, MPH as Economic, Social, and Administrative Sciences (ESAS) Section Chair-elect.
Congratulations to all!
A special follow-up note to the candidates who were not elected this year. We recognize it’s not easy to take time out of your busy schedules to offer your volunteer service to the profession and to be willing to take on the responsibilities that come with Board and Academy office. All of us in the pharmacy community owe you a debt of gratitude for your willingness to step up, come forward, and contribute your time, energy, and passion. We encourage you to continue your pursuit of leadership roles within APhA.
The lifeblood of a fast-paced professional association like APhA is the enthusiasm and dedication of its volunteer leaders. I’m thankful that APhA is bursting at the seams with talent and passion for the pharmacy profession and the patients we serve. We are all so grateful for what you do.