APhA members: Cast your vote now!
Being an active participant in APhA’s election process will take no more time than it takes to read this blog. I encourage eligible voters to take advantage of an important benefit and responsibility of APhA membership. By voting, you help shape the direction of YOUR Association.
If you think you’ll get to it later, you probably won’t. SO VOTE NOW. The 2017 election for APhA’s leadership is open until Monday, May 22, 2017, at noon Eastern Time.
We have made voting easy for you! All you have to do is view the candidates’ statements, biographies, and video messages. After reviewing the slate, search your e-mail using the keywords “Election Services Corporation.” They are our official election vendor, and they sent out individualized ballots directly to your e-mail inbox on March 24. The e-mail contains the ballot information and a customized ballot access code. Click on the link provided in the e-mail to log in and cast your ballot!
If you prefer a paper ballot or have questions about voting, contact Election Services Corporation at aphahelp@electionservicescorp.com. You can also e-mail aphahelp@electionsservicescorp.com if you are eligible to vote and did not receive your ballot.
This only takes a few minutes, and every vote counts! Results will be announced in June, and elected candidates will be installed at APhA2018 in Nashville, TN, March 16 to 19, 2018.
By the way, being an active participant in the national political process is similarly effortless. Go to www.pharmacistsprovidecare.com and write to your two Senators and your Congressional representative in support of H.R. 592/S. 109. Do it again this year, even if you wrote last year.