CEO Blog
October 6, 2009
On Friday, we at APhA hosted hundreds of U.S. Department of State employees for American Pharmacists Month activities at 2215 Constitution Avenue.
Various information and screening stations were staffed by a crew of APhA staffers, but the real stars were 50 faculty and students from the pharmacy…
September 30, 2009
In a policy paper, Improving FDA Regulation of Prescription Drugs, released Sept. 24, 2009, the American College of Physicians (ACP) proposed that FDA "be given the authority to require new drugs be labeled with a symbol that indicates it is a new drug and that direct-to-consumer advertising be…
September 18, 2009
This week's release of the long-awaited Senate Finance Committee health care reform (HCR) proposal sets the stage for an interesting study in lawmaking on Capitol Hill. As the process moves forward, pharmacy and medication therapy management (MTM) are exactly where we hoped at this point: MTM is…
September 17, 2009
In October (American Pharmacists Month, or "APhM"), we will release the results of a survey APhA commissioned to gain insight into consumers’ medication habits and the relationship they have with their pharmacist. Results suggest we have some work to do as a profession to ensure that our patients…
September 16, 2009
Nancy Alvarez (APhA Board of Trustees) and Patricia Epple (Executive Director, Pennsylvania Pharmacists Association) with Rep. Tim Holden (D-PA).
Florida Pharmacy Association Executive Director and CEO Michael Jackson and APhA President Ed Hamilton in front of the U.S. Capitol
On Tuesday, a group…
September 11, 2009
September 11, 2001, at 9:37 a.m. That was the exact moment of the 9/11 attack on the Pentagon. Today marks eight years since that day. Thanks to our country's response to those attacks, I can safely look out my office window and see the site where American Airlines Flight 77 hit the Pentagon. I am…
September 10, 2009
Yesterday, I returned from the International Pharmacy Federation meeting in Istanbul, Turkey. The FIP meeting was attended by nearly 2,000 pharmacists and scientists from literally all around the world. As I spoke with pharmacists from Turkey, Australia, Japan, the Netherlands, Portugal, China,…
September 9, 2009
Check your local listings. According to Politico, President Obama is "set to strongly endorse a public insurance option before Congress tonight but stop short of an ultimatum, leaving room for negotiation. Reaching out to the GOP, he plans to acknowledge a problem with malpractice litigation." For…
September 9, 2009
On Tuesday, August 25, Ernie Boyd was one of four panelists at a local health care reform town hall meeting sponsored by AARP in Wintersville, OH. Below is an excerpt of the report from Ernie, who is executive director of the Ohio Pharmacists Association. I thought it captured the spirit of the…
September 8, 2009
About 100 Americans attended the 69th International Congress of the International Pharmacy Federation (FIP) in Istanbul, Turkey, over this past weekend. At a dinner hosted by Procter & Gamble, several current and former leaders of ASHP, APhA, AAPS, and ACCP, as well as others who continue to…