Hundreds of federal employees screened as American Pharmacists Month begins
On Friday, we at APhA hosted hundreds of U.S. Department of State employees for American Pharmacists Month activities at 2215 Constitution Avenue.
Various information and screening stations were staffed by a crew of APhA staffers, but the real stars were 50 faculty and students from the pharmacy schools at Shenandoah, Notre Dame, Maryland, Virginia Commonwealth, and Howard universities. This team effort was led by Maria Gorrick, Professional Resources and Business Development, and Megan Sheahan, APhA Foundation Executive Resident.
My hat is off to these folks for the weeks of planning that led to their outstanding execution of this event. The benefits were many, as we not only increased awareness of pharmacists' services for State Department staff who work in our building but also uncovered potential health issues with several participants--the normal goal for these events.
Please use this forum to let everyone know what you are doing to celebrate American Pharmacists Month. “Know Your MEDICINE, Know Your PHARMACIST” is our theme and core message for this month. Make sure this idea is presented to your patients and your colleagues on the health care team, and that they have a chance to recognize all that you do each day!