December 24, 2009
This morning the Senate voted passage of HR 3590 to reform America's health care system. Now the House and Senate must reconcile their considerable differences in an expedited process intended to get a reform bill on the President's desk efore his State of the Union address in late January or early…
December 22, 2009
“'The die is cast. It’s done,' a jubilant (Chuck) Schumer said, adding jokingly that 'Harry’s almost going to have a drink.' "Reid, a devout Mormon, abstains from alcohol." —From the December 21 Roll Call article by David Drucker on Sunday's Senate debate and the cloture vote taken at 1 AM on…
December 17, 2009
We lost Carl Emswiller on December 10. A 1999 Remington Honor Medal recipient and APhA Foundation Board member, Carl spent his life caring for patients in pioneering ways. He began his practice in Berryville, VA, in 1962 by joining Eugene White, the innovator of the office-based practice. Six…
December 16, 2009
This morning, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton visited 2215 Constitution and the connected 2200 C Street facility. Her purpose was to formally welcome her 900 Department of State staff to their hew home in our building. Secretary Clinton was very gracious in acknowledging APhA as a good partner…
December 16, 2009
Tuesday afternoon, I spent 2 hours at a holiday reception at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. President and Mrs. Obama shared their home and a few thoughts with about 1,000 attendees, many of whom have been involved in health care reform in one way or another. President Obama suggested he may have a HCR…
December 15, 2009
In key votes tonight on the Senate floor, proposals to allow importation of pharmaceutical products were defeated. One amendment, proposed by Sen. Byron L. Dorgan (D–SD), garnered 51 votes but needed 60 votes to pass. A second version, from New Jersey Democrat Frank R. Lautenberg, also fell short…
December 8, 2009
We understand that Senator Mark R. Warner, Democrat of Virginia, and other freshman senators will introduce a set of health care reform amendments. One or more of these would place MTM in the mainstream — well beyond the grant programs that are contemplated now. While we are in the process of…
November 12, 2009
Bill Ellis just pointed out, and I agree with him, that there's a real feeling of excitement in the air here at APhA headquarters. Tomorrow, we're hosting our building dedication ceremony. Folks here are sprucing up, and the caterers are loading in. Tropical Storm Ida can't hold us down. Soon, we'…
November 11, 2009
We marked Veterans Day with a ceremony at APhA headquarters, one made all the more meaningful by the events of last week at Fort Hood. Reflecting on those who are serving or have served our country, I recalled an October visit I made with APhA staffer and former Navy pharmacist Duane Tackitt to the…
November 7, 2009
By the time you read this, the House may have voted on the AHCAA. Debate on amendments is under way as I type this. We’ll follow up with analysis as we learn more. Check it out at This proposal has many pharmacy-friendly provisions that we support. I also understand an…