Freshmen senators to introduce very pro-pharmacy amendments
We understand that Senator Mark R. Warner, Democrat of Virginia, and other freshman senators will introduce a set of health care reform amendments. One or more of these would place MTM in the mainstream — well beyond the grant programs that are contemplated now. While we are in the process of assessing the rest of the proposals, we will be firmly in support of this, and we encourage you to do the same.
Here is the language we've seen:
Sec. 10011. Improvement in Part D Medication Therapy Management (MTM Programs): This section would require Medicare Part D prescription drug plans (PDPs) to offer a minimum set of medication therapy management services to certain targeted beneficiaries. It also would require PDPs to routinely assess at-risk individuals who are not enrolled in MTM services and automatically enroll them (permitting beneficiaries to opt-out if they choose).