CEO Blog
April 26, 2011
Last week, the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, FDA, and DEA released the Obama administration’s comprehensive action plan to address the national prescription drug abuse epidemic, “Epidemic: Responding to America’s…
April 22, 2011
You may have already heard that Doug Hoey has been named the new CEO at the National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA). Many will recall he served as acting Executive Vice President and CEO while the search was conducted for Bruce Roberts’s replacement, so it’s nice to see he’s been promoted…
April 21, 2011
It is one thing for me to say that I think staff did an outstanding job of planning and executing the 2011 APhA Annual Meeting & Exposition (see my earlier blog post), with all its many orbits. But I think comments from our attendees carry greater weight. So I’m sharing some feedback I’ve…
April 20, 2011
I was in the middle of a 2-week odyssey that started right after the 2011 APhA Annual Meeting & Exposition in Seattle, and has taken me from coast to coast, to Canada, and to New Jersey and New York.
Then, I received the message below:
APhA Membership Committee:
I just renewed my membership…
April 19, 2011
The number of pharmacists trained to immunize has recently been increased by one more person—me! More than 147,000 pharmacists have been trained to immunize in the United States. On April 9, I completed my training in Barboursville, WV, in a program licensed from APhA and conducted by the West…
April 15, 2011
Last week was a busy week for me. I was on the road promoting business and policy interests.
On Monday, April 4, I flew to Denver for the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) National Pharmacy Conference. That evening, APhA hosted a reception for attendees. Then on Tuesday, April 5, I participated…
April 4, 2011
Recent tragic headlines, such as this March 31 New York Times article, “Deaths of 9 Alabama Patients Tied to Intravenous Supplement,” remind us all of our critical role in patient safety, and the incredible trust the public places in us. Regardless of the outcome of the investigations by CDC and…
March 31, 2011
I’m sitting in my office a couple of days after our 2011 APhA Annual Meeting & Exposition in Seattle. Several staff are already working on APhA2012 in New Orleans so we can capture all our learnings from this year and make 2012 even better. Meanwhile, I’m processing what just happened in the…
March 30, 2011
Today, I’m really proud of our House of Delegates and our members, who on Monday strategically passed a policy that our profession should lead to development of standards for pharmacies. With profession-developed standards, we can further demonstrate and document for the public and payers the high…
March 8, 2011
In my travels the last couple of years, I’ve had the occasion to meet many remarkable individuals. Some of these folks have been recognized by their peers for work that transcends the best of the best. Mentors who make a sustained impact on students are some of my favorites, and Arlyn Kloesel,…