More than 147,000, plus 1

The number of pharmacists trained to immunize has recently been increased by one more person—me! More than 147,000 pharmacists have been trained to immunize in the United States. On April 9, I completed my training in Barboursville, WV, in a program licensed from APhA and conducted by the West Virginia University School of Pharmacy Office of Continuing Education.

As APhA CEO, I knew that we had an outstanding program, but had not had the opportunity to complete the training. I was impressed with the rigor of the program. So impressed—that I was the last person to finish the test at the end. The good news is that I passed! I was so relieved that I wasn’t going to embarrass my organization by failing. It just would not have looked good.

Our clinical pharmacist instructor, Dani Dolin, and Adrienne Tucker, did a great job of teaching the 26 participants the material, as well as providing real examples where pharmacists can make a difference. Most of the participants in the program were students rounding third and headed toward graduation, although there were a few veterans who were looking at ways to change their practice to provide greater access for consumers to vaccines.

So, as the most recently trained pharmacist immunizer, I applaud the more than 147,000 pharmacists who came before me for the important work you do every day to promote public health, awareness, and access to vaccines. Keep up the good work!