CEO Blog
October 22, 2019
How has American Pharmacists Month been treating you? While our work to support your well-being (more on that below) continues, we do hope you have had a chance to visit to explore all the decorative, media, and patient outreach materials we’ve put together to celebrate your…
October 1, 2019
Happy American Pharmacists Month! In this blog, you’ll find the theme, resources, stories, and encouragement to include pharmacy technicians in your celebration.
World Pharmacists Day last Wednesday, September 25, was the perfect prelude to #APhM2019. We were thrilled with the attention the event…
September 16, 2019
In 1987, when I joined the APhA staff the first time, I met remarkable gentleman and longtime staffer Ed Feldmann, who had retired recently but was still engaging with APhA. As is often the case with new acquaintances, initial conversations were cursory and superficial, and I was pretty overwhelmed…
September 10, 2019
The following is the fourth edition of APhA President Brad Tice's monthly guest blog. July and August can seem like slow months for getting work done, and that was my perception when I first took over as APhA President. I thought I would have a bit of down time, but of course, this was not the case…
September 3, 2019
Congress’s summer recess comes to an end next week—thanks to all who used the opportunity to invite your elected officials to see firsthand the work you do for your patients and communities. There is no more persuasive strategy to win lawmakers' support than sharing your stories, whether the goal…
August 13, 2019
As you all know, our profession has faced widespread workforce challenges over the last few months. Last month, I told you about APhA’s efforts to respond to many of these problems. While we recognize the issues will not be solved overnight, we are driving to create long-term changes that genuinely…
July 25, 2019
Earlier today, the Senate Finance Committee marked up the package of legislation on drug prices and supply chain issues that was introduced on Tuesday. Among many other aims, the sweeping legislation would prohibit spread pricing in Medicaid programs and increase transparency of PBM practices in…
July 16, 2019
Note from Tom: The following is the third edition of APhA President Brad Tice's monthly guest blog.June was a month filled with the first APhA Board meeting of my presidency year; opportunities to meet with pharmacists in Washington, Iowa, and Tennessee; and the release of new membership models by…
July 2, 2019
Today we offer our support to the many pharmacists who have been affected by layoffs or practice constrictions, as well as those of you whose job searches and practice changes have gotten even more complicated. The thoughts and well wishes of everyone at APhA go out to you. Know that APhA is…
June 27, 2019
APhA has received word that the Veterans Affairs Office of the Inspector General (OIG) released a report today, Thursday, June 27, 2019, on findings related to the practice of Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) mental health clinical pharmacists. This report, specific to pharmacists, is a follow-…