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Transitions is published bi-monthly for members of the APhA New Practitioner Network. The online newsletter contains information focused on life inside and outside pharmacy practice, providing guidance on various areas of professional, personal, and practice development. Each issue includes in-depth articles on personal financial management, innovative practice sites, career profiles, career development tools, and residency and postgraduate programs.

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September 2019

I didn’t match: A blessing in disguise

Ever stumble upon something and think to yourself, “This is it. I have found my lifelong passion?” It happened to me during an HIV-based elective, and that’s when I learned that infectious disease (I...

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What’s special about my practice setting

Despite specialty pharmacy’s rapid growth as an area of pharmacy practice, there is currently limited exposure to it in general pharmacy school curriculum. As a New Practitioner, I was unfamiliar wi...

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Staying positive in 2020

I started my Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU) rotation in early April with a lot of unease and uncertainty. COVID–19 had reached the United States and had been declared a global pandemic. Hydroxychloroquine wa...

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NPN Book Club: The Checklist Manifesto

“Here, then, is our situation at the start of the twenty-first century: we have accumulated stupendous know-how. We have put it in the hands of some of the most highly trained, highly skilled, and ha...

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Learning to live with a new diagnosis

When I began my residency training back in 2018, I knew that it was going to be a long and difficult year. What I did not know was that it was going to be life-changing, both professionally, and even mo...

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Job hunting during COVID–19

There are expectations when you take on a year of postgraduate training. One, you expect to continue the learning that was started while on APPE rotations. Two, you expect to secure a job and jump-start yo...

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Deciding on a dog during residency

Ever since I was younger, I desperately wanted a dog. A dog topped every birthday and Christmas list until I was about 12. Shortly before college, I found my favorite breed: corgis, and looking at pictures of...

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Tips for participating in video interviews

While pharmacy remained an essential business during the COVID–19 pandemic, face-to-face job interviews became all but impossible due to furloughs, cut hours, hiring freezes, and shutdowns. For New Pr...

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Five valuable lessons learned as a New Practitioner

Starting a career as a New Practitioner presents exciting opportunities, challenging situations, and a realm of the unknown to be discovered. It makes you question why you started your career in the fi...

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Pandemic-induced plant parenting

A couple of months ago, I found myself moving to a new city to start my first full-time job as a pharmacist. Having a new living space all to myself meant that I had a blank canvas to work with and in...

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