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Take the time for honest reflection

“Kelsea,” it is understandable that you have mixed feelings about “real-time” feedback and how you will be evaluated. I think it would be helpful for you to contextualize your APPE evaluations. The im...

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The beginning of the end

Greetings fellow student pharmacists. I am a current, final-year student pharmacist and am honored to reflect on my APPE experiences throughout the upcoming year. Though you will learn my true identity at...

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The real 'Heather'

Over the past year, I have thoroughly enjoyed having the opportunity to share my experiences on rotation as a final-year student pharmacist. Since my year on rotation has come to an end, it is now time fo...

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New 'normal'

Recently, I discussed the value of managing expectations. After everything the world has experienced over the past couple of months, this lesson could not be more applicable. This is something that I ...

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What is ‘normal’?

Though I wish circumstances were different, being flexible and creative are vital skills in the world of pharmacy, particularly as an APPE student prior to graduation. Pharmacy is ever evolving and re...

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Find your anchor

The topic of burnout and its prevention has become a hot topic within the pharmacy community. “Heather,” you ask how I prevent burnout—whether I stay active, connected, and centered. Well, I will ad...

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Fired up instead of burned out

As I headed to the desert for December’s ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting & Exposition in Las Vegas, NV, I was a ball of nerves. In the moment, it felt like a few days of first impressions and networking wo...

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Bubbles bursting

For most of my life, I have lived in a bubble. I was fortunate to grow up in a happy home, attend a private Catholic school until college, travel on family vacations, and never worry about having food on...

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When in Romania

Ambulance sirens scream overhead as you are rushed to the hospital. Medications are administered, labs are drawn, tests are run, and interventions are made. As a patient, you are worried about your he...

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An approach to layered learning

Stepping into the world of APPEs can seem daunting. Student pharmacists are quickly pulled from the safety of the classroom and told to apply their knowledge to a real, living patient—a far cry from sc...

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