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Persevering, and finding peace, in the new normal

As I prepared to leave campus for spring break, I had unknowingly sat in my last didactic course and would spend the rest of my last academic semester of pharmacy school completely online. Many important ev...

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A year of firsts

My first year of pharmacy school was one of several firsts for me. There was also my first year of marriage, first year living in my own apartment and paying rent, and first time living outside of Tennessee. Al...

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Embrace the transition

Structure. Community. Exhaustion. Perhaps these are words that have defined the last several years of your life during pharmacy school. For some of you, graduation is here, and you are about to enter a ...

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My grandmother, Alzheimer's, and pharmacy school

During several different periods in my life, one constant has been my grandmother. While Alzheimer’s may have changed her, nothing will ever alter the impact she has made on me and my future.


My face lit up with j...

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Top five to survive

Beginning your journey in pharmacy school brings about a multitude of changes that require you to shake up your world and step outside of your norm. While I am only a first-year student, I can honestly sa...

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A lifetime of obstacles: Lessons in perseverance

How do you decide what outfit to wear each day? Do you consider what matches or what’s clean? Probably. Do you plan your whole outfit around having someone home to help you put on your socks and shoes? I ...

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Be mindful about mindfulness

The pharmacy profession prides itself on having an evidence-based approach to practice in order to improve medication adherence. There is an emerging interest in the profession about how to include we...

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The zen of bullet journaling

Did you know that studies have shown disorganization leads to stress? I bet even without having done a lit search on the topic you know from experience that it’s true. I know I have. In fact, as a fi...

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Fun that won’t break the bank

You all know about the importance of self-care and preventing burnout. New research proves you can’t deny the importance of taking care of yourself. But how can you afford to take the time away from cl...

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How my pharmacy curiosity was awakened

It was a cold, rainy evening when I visited my friend Cindy at the hospital. Her room was dark with a tiny strip of light coming in from the slightly open door. Her head was down and when she raised it...

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