Fully Embrace Your Calling

By Sarah Ray, PharmD, BCPS, FAPhA

In my current role as Associate Professor and Residency Program Director at the Concordia University Wisconsin School of Pharmacy, we often speak to our students ab...

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Setbacks are opportunities to learn and grow

By Michelle C. Cottino, PharmD, JD

This year’s APhA–ASP presidential theme, “Embrace Your Calling,” really resonates with me because of my own journey to find my calling. I graduated college wit...

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“Follow your heart”

By Nimit Jindal

As I have noted in friendly conversations, formal presentations, and in writing, when it comes to your “calling,” you already know what it is. Your calling is what your passion i...

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Don't just be a member. Be engaged!

By the 2018–19 APhA–ASP Member Engagement Standing Committee

What does being an engaged APhA–ASP member mean to you? If you ask a group of student pharmacists this question, you will inevitably receive ...

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Celebrating legacies

In one of the most uplifting moments of each APhA Annual Meeting & Exposition, APhA–ASP members gather together to celebrate the incredible achievements of student pharmacist superstars across the country...

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Our IDEAL school of pharmacy

The University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) School of Pharmacy is home to a diverse population of students and provides enriching opportunities. The city of El Paso is bordered by Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, wi...

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Long live your legacy!

My heart thumped with anticipation as the APhA–ASP National Executive Committee (NEC) stood together on the dark stage, the cheers growing louder. As we power-posed, the lights began to flash. With eve...

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Connections and community

There are few experiences in my time as a student pharmacist that have had as forceful an impact on me as the APhA Annual Meeting & Exposition. I could never pinpoint exactly what draws me back ea...

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An investment mentality

Recently, I had the opportunity to write an article for the February issue of Transitions, titled “Finding your best ‘yes’ as a new practitioner.” Shortly thereafter, I was asked to write a ve...

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Is there a new practitioner in the house?

Yes. Actually, there are three.

The APhA Student & New Practitioner Development Department strives to enhance the professional and personal development of student pharmacists while in pharmacy ...

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