APhA Chief Operating Officer Elizabeth Keyes receives JFPS honor

American Pharmacists Association (APhA) Chief Operating Officer Elizabeth Keyes was recognized by the Joint Federal Pharmacy Seminar (JFPS) leadership during its recent annual meeting in Dallas, for her support of federal pharmacy programs, including JFPS.

The “Elizabeth Keyes Distinguished Federal Pharmacy Lecture” will be the featured title of a keynote presentation at all future JFPS annual meetings.  Keyes will present the first lecture at the 2020 JFPS annual meeting in Cleveland.

Keyes has actively worked to ensure that APhA served as the home for the federal pharmacy community. As a result of APhA’s commitment, the federal pharmacy community receives discounted membership fees, the establishment of a federal pharmacy advisory committee to APhA leadership, and five delegate seats on the APhA House of Delegates.

Keyes was also responsible for initiating the APhA Federal Forum in 2001, which provides an opportunity for federal pharmacists who attend annual meeting to gain additional continuing education credit.

To further recognize members of the federal pharmacy community, Keyes established an endowed program that supports the Distinguished Federal Pharmacy Award, which is presented during annual meetings.

Through her efforts, federal pharmacists and technicians who participated in the Department of Defense (DoD) Global War on Terrorism were recognized with a plaque and rededication of the APhA Flagpole Memorial.