APhA-ASP Regional MRM Coordinator Position Description

As a regional officer, the APhA–ASP Midyear Regional Meeting Coordinator (MRMC) is responsible for assisting APhA staff in planning, promoting, and executing the APhA–ASP Midyear Regional Meeting (MRM). Serving as a MRMC is an opportunity for student pharmacists to enhance their event planning skills as they coordinate the logistics of the Friday evening social, MRM Expo, and a regional educational session. The position also provides an opportunity to become active with APhA–ASP on a regional and national level through interactions with student pharmacists, chapter leaders, and practitioners from across the county.  

Activities throughout the year

The MRMC works throughout the year with APhA staff to plan and implement activities held during MRM. Each MRMC has the opportunity to develop various aspects of the meeting to meet the needs of their region. The Friday evening social allows them to highlight the culture and nightlife of the MRM host city, and the Regional Educational Session provides them with a venue to target the educational programming to the student pharmacists within their region. The MRMC also assists in contacting exhibitors for the MRM Expo and fundraising for the MRM. This allows them to establish valuable connections with chain and independent pharmacy retailers, pharmaceutical corporations, and hometown businesses.

APhA–ASP Regional Officer Meeting

The APhA–ASP Regional Officer Meeting is typically held the first full weekend of January in Washington, DC. At this meeting, the eight MRMCs receive training in all aspects of their responsibilities. They set goals, develop timelines, learn about fundraising, MRMC responsibilities, donations, budgeting, developing ice breakers, and discuss new ideas. During this meeting, they also critically evaluate the previous year’s programming to develop ways to improve the upcoming MRM. In addition to providing the groundwork for their year of preparation and fun, the meeting also provides an opportunity to network with other APhA–ASP Regional Officers, the National Executive Committee, and staff. Full reimbursement for meeting-related expenses is provided. 

For more information regarding the APhA–ASP Midyear Regional Meeting Coordinator position, please contact:
Lynette Plowden, APhA Senior Manager of Student & New Practitioner Meetings and Operations
Email:  lplowden@aphanet.org

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