Words are inadequate

2020 was a year many of us would like to forget, but that’s impossible; its changes are irrevocable. APhA has a proud history of supporting pharmacists and advancing pharmacy practice. In 2020, we sped forward as the world caught fire, and the paths we once tread are shrinking in our rearview mirror. This was the first year of a new era for pharmacy.

You’ve heard me describe the profession’s 2020 progress before—the new practice authorities, the movement toward payment reform, the attention to workplace conditions.

I’m not going to tout those right now. I’m going to tout you.

Own the magnitude of what you achieved and endured this year. APhA worked to support you, but the source of our success is your character. Our community rose to the pandemic’s challenges with integrity, ingenuity, and commitment. You are good people—selfless, generous people—with good hearts.

It’s hard to express my gratitude in words. I don’t want to say I’m proud of you, because that would be taking too much credit for what you’ve done. More accurate is that I’m awed by you, and that you are my heroes.

When I was selected to be the new APhA CEO this year, I would never have predicted the battle we’re fighting now. It’s overwhelming and exhausting, and it’s not even close to over. As disorienting as it is, I believe Team Pharmacy will emerge stronger and ready to take on a permanently altered health care system. APhA has your back.

Stay tuned for a bolder APhA in 2021. Until then, I wish all of you and yours a safe, happy holiday.