Welcome to American Pharmacists Month
I often hear from pharmacists, “We need a PR campaign. If they [consumers] only knew what we had to offer…” Well, today’s the day! American Pharmacists Month (APhM) is upon us, and APhA is abuzz with activities and celebrations. Over the next month, I will share our efforts to inspire our staff, and educate the public about the great services available through their local pharmacist.
Our official public outreach begins today with a consumer outreach media campaign kickoff. Throughout this first week, we will reach out to the public through various media outlets. Today, we kick off the month with a news release offering statistics on medication adherence, as well as advice for using your pharmacist to develop a better medication routine.
On Tuesday, October 5, APhA’s media advisors Kristin Binaso and Adam Welch will be interviewed by several TV stations throughout the morning. The message also focuses on adherence, but gives the stations a chance to discuss the topic in more detail with our knowledgeable and trained pharmacists.
Rounding out the media aspects, the annual student event “Live from NY” will take place on Thursday, October 7. Student pharmacists from eight New York regional pharmacy schools will wear their white coats at the three major morning shows in support of the profession and the “Know Your Medicine—Know Your Pharmacist” campaign.
Remember, if you haven’t finished your planning, hopefully our events will inspire an idea for you. And you can always visit www.pharmacist.com/aphm and the APhM Planning Guide.