USC's Johnson: A leader who advocated for MTM services in community pharmacies
We learned last night that Kathy Johnson, William A. Heeres and Josephine A. Heeres Professor in Community Pharmacy and Vice Dean for Clinical Affairs and Outcomes Sciences at the University of Southern California School of Pharmacy, passed away yesterday after a fall during a vacation in France. Pharmacy will miss this leader who has done so much over her career for clinical service provision in community pharmacies. Kathy served as one of our scientific experts for all issues of the APhA MTM Digest and was currently working on our 2012 edition. All who met her would agree that she was a remarkable, bright, and energetic person. Kathy also served as a capable behind-the-scenes mentor for many of the USC faculty with whom we work, including Stephen Chen and Jeff Goad. We received news of the accident last week from USC School of Pharmacy Dean Pete Vanderveen and had prayed for her recovery. APhA plans to recognize Kathy in the MTM Digest and an upcoming issue of Pharmacy Today. We are working on and will advise readers when we get more details on funeral arrangements. This is a very sad loss for Kathy's family, the USC family, and for pharmacy.