Upbeat crowd in Atlantic City celebrates NJPhA’s 140th
Last Saturday, I had the privilege to keynote the 140th meeting of the New Jersey Pharmacists Association (NJPhA) in Atlantic City, NJ. It was great to reconnect with so many old friends and to meet new ones. I was impressed with the upbeat, enthusiastic buzz at the meeting. Attendance was very good, the sessions I attended were excellent, and I got really provocative questions during my discussion of health care reform and what pharmacists can do to optimize our opportunities. Thanks to Harvey Maldow and his staff for their hospitality. Congratulations to President John Colaizzi Jr. and to incoming President Linda Gooen.
It was great to be there for the awards program. I’m always energized by the award winners and by the passion for our profession exhibited by both young and seasoned recipients. These programs are essential for encouraging continued innovation and growth. Congrats to all.
Finally, I’d like to give a shout-out to Al Geser, the retired Executive Director of NJPhA, and his wife, Sylvia. It was great to see him still engaged and supportive of his old organization. In my previous career as APhA’s State Affairs Director 20 years ago, I was the recipient of Al’s support and good advice on many occasions. I always appreciated that about him.
New Jersey is one of the states that APhA is working with to promote association membership. If you’re a New Jersey pharmacist who belongs to APhA, we encourage you to also belong to NJPhA. New Jersey is reciprocating by encouraging New Jersey pharmacists to belong to APhA. We greatly appreciate this partnership as we work together to improve medication use and advance patient care. Our profession needs the full support of every pharmacist if we are to be successful in optimizing the opportunities we’ve created in the Affordable Care Act. Our collaboration with other organizations, which is vital to that success, has never been greater. Let’s keep it up.