Pharmacy shines at APhA2017
APhA staff members are back at headquarters after a week in San Francisco for APhA2017. Except for the jetlag, we’re pumped about the positive feedback and energy. More than 6,100 of you joined us for the best in pharmacy education, inspiring presentations by the profession’s leading minds, and the chance to network and collaborate with our peers. I spoke with many first-time attendees, especially new practitioners, who committed to never miss another meeting. Thank you for being there!
Guided by the theme Making an Impact in Patient Care, our content and advocacy urged attendees to step up efforts in patient care and demonstrate why patients need us to play a larger role in health care. We urged attendees not to get complacent, that we still have much work to do to secure our place on the health care team by advocating for federal provider status legislation. We provided 31 hours of programming to enhance pharmacists’ roles in fighting opioid abuse and misuse while providing compassionate care to patients living with pain. With the advent of MACRA, we have a greater opportunity than ever to seize opportunities presented by the shift to value-based health care.
We had a great response from those who attended the full day of interactive sessions and debates at the APhA Pain Institute, which provided information and strategies for pharmacists on the front lines of the opioid epidemic.
Even for those of you who couldn’t be there, some of the best content will be available on, so keep an eye out for additional opportunities to view this great content.
And make sure to check out the supplement to the March/April issue of JAPhA, which is dedicated to naloxone and other opioid issues.
As I’ve shared with many, this is a “C’mon man!” moment in health care. Of course we need to be part of the health care team! C’mon man! Let’s get it done!