Pharmacists continue to gain recognition
In thanking all immunization stakeholders today at the CDC National Immunization Conference in Atlanta, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius specifically mentioned pharmacists as key providers in the nation's immunization efforts.
Although we've been working for years to get pharmacists recognized, we've typically been left out of the list when "doctors, nurses, and other health professionals" were called out. After this past influenza season, it is gratifying to see our key officials beginning to recognize our contributions. At the meeting many individuals have commented on their collaborative work with pharmacists to Mitch Rothholz, APhA's representative at the conference and our top immunization advocate.
Our work this past year positions us well for continued improved access to immunizations through their pharmacists. The 2009–10 influenza season was notable for the number of consumers who saw pharmacists in a new way for the first time. Sitting with a pharmacist to receive an immunization is a very tangible and real way for consumers to awaken to the possible caregiving roles of pharmacists. While we know we're not just dispensers, having millions of consumers receive their flu vaccine in our pharmacies helps to make an indelible impression on their psyche that pharmacists can do more than they ever imagined.
Let's keep up the momentum!