New SIG for medical homes, ACOs

When I speak with pharmacists around the country, I often encourage them to walk across the street and have a conversation with the larger physician practices in their communities. Increasingly, it’s these groups that are forming accountable care organizations (ACOs)—and to be effective, they will need help with medication management.

While some pharmacists have figured out how to make this work, others are struggling. So we formed a Special Interest Group (SIG) to help connect the dots. If you are eager to connect with other pharmacists interested in patient-centered medical homes and ACOs, take the leap and join our new Medical Home/ACO SIG.

The APhA Academy of Pharmacy Practice & Management (APhA–APPM) recently opened its Medical Home/ACO SIG to general membership. The Medical Home/ACO SIG aims to provide a professional community of pharmacists who are involved in all aspects of patient-centered care, from providing care through the medical home to administration and payment of that care in the ACO model. Members of this SIG are practitioners, administrators, and educators who share your interest in developing, implementing, and disseminating information regarding these emerging team-based models of patient care.

A SIG is an interest-based member group led by a volunteer Coordinator and Coordinator-elect. The forum provides APhA members with the opportunity to network, support the profession by addressing emerging issues, learn about advances in pharmacy practice, and promote the role of the pharmacist in enhancing patient care.

Previously established APhA–APPM SIGs focus on diabetes management; immunizing pharmacists; medication management; nuclear pharmacy practice; pain, palliative care, and addiction; and preceptors. Members can support the formation of two SIGs by completing the online sign-up forms for compounding and transitions of care.

You should feel free to direct feedback or questions to Margaret Tomecki, our Director of Practice Development and Research, at