Message thanking cosponsors of H.R. 4190 runs in Politico

As part of APhA’s commitment to achieving provider status for pharmacists, we are a member of the Patient Access to Pharmacists' Care Coalition (PAPCC)—a multistakeholder coalition of organizations representing patients, pharmacists, and pharmacies, as well as other interested stakeholders. 

A component of PAPCC efforts in activities to encourage Congress to enact provider status legislation, APhA led the task of designing a “Thank You” message and “Call to Action” in today’s issue of Politico, an influential paper read by policy makers. The ad expressly thanks the lead cosponsors of H.R. 4190, Reps. Guthrie, Butterfield, and Young, who introduced provider status legislation, as well as the many cosponsors, which number 108 as of this writing. The “Thank You” also serves as a reminder to Members of Congress and staffers about the importance of improving patient access to health care in medically underserved communities through coverage of pharmacists’ services.

You can view an electronic version of the paper here, and see the PAPCC message on page 14. You can also download the piece from our website, and send it to your own policy makers either thanking them or requesting their support of the bill.

APhA is proud to be a member of the PAPCC, working with stakeholders to improve patient access to and coverage of pharmacists’ patient care services. If you want to learn more about the coalition, the activities being undertaken, and how you can get involved, visit the recently launched website at