Looking for leaders—serve your Association
Do you want to make a difference and help guide the Association as it navigates through the opportunities and challenges resulting from a reformed health care system?
While we look year-round for nominations for elected officers, now is the time that we ask for folks interested in serving in our leadership to make themselves known. APhA is currently seeking nominations for the President-elect for 2012–13, two Board of Trustees positions for 2012–15, and officers within the Academy of Pharmacy Practice & Management (APhA–APPM) and the Academy of Pharmaceutical Research & Science (APhA–APRS).
If you want to discuss how time-intensive the experience of serving on the Board of Trustees might be, please reach out to any of our current board members as listed on Pharmacist.com. They will be glad to discuss the rewards of their service.
I know from experience, having served as an officer on the local, state, and national levels, that service to the profession is one of the most rewarding things a pharmacist can do. The feeling of giving back to a profession that has been good to you always pays more than it costs.
Please consider stepping up by completing a nomination packet for the President-elect, two Board of Trustees positions, or officers within APhA–APPM and APhA–APRS. If you have other questions, please send an e-mail to Mitch Rothholz at MRothholz@aphanet.org or to Brian Lawson at BLawson@aphanet.org.