JAPhA commentary on pharmacists in chronic care
The evidence is clear! Pharmacists as patient coaches improve outcomes of care.
In 2007, an article was published in Current Diabetes Reviews that provided a meta-analysis of data regarding the impact and effectiveness on care outcomes for patients with diabetes when pharmacists and other nonphysician health care practitioners have the autonomy to work with patients and to make treatment decisions based on protocols. Since that time, the evidence continues to mount, including in our own Diabetes Ten City Challenge, according to an article last year in JAPhA.
In the Sept./Oct. issue of JAPhA, Michael Posey, BPharm, and Maria Tanzi, PharmD, describe this evidence and a “model for the future of primary care” that involves pharmacists, nurse practitioners, specially trained nurses, and physician assistants working in collaboration with physicians and under appropriate protocols to fulfill significant gaps in primary care as physicians struggle to keep up with demand.
These articles are worth a read as you consider current and future contributions you will make in your practice. We will continue our collaborative efforts with organized medicine, as working together, the evidence is clear—our patients have much to gain from increased activity, better nutrition, and improved adherence. With our coaching, maybe we can reduce the negative impact of the coming epidemic in diabetes.