It's almost recess time!

OK folks, now is your chance...

Your Senators and Representative will be home soon, and those of us who live in the Washington area will enjoy lighter traffic in our daily commutes. Meanwhile, you have a chance to visit your representatives or to attend functions they host while they are home and there let them know what you think.

The daily news here has been like a soap opera as deals are cut to shape health care reform. Last night, we heard that the House has reached agreement on an HCR proposal and we expect release of that soon. The recess will give people time to actually read the massive documents generated in the process. We will, of course, publish pharmacy-relevant proposals in our Health Care Reform Hub on

If you are like me, you are also looking at HCR as a consumer and as a taxpayer. APhA doesn't have policy, nor do I believe we should, that addresses how high is too high for taxes, or whether a public option is the right approach. I have personal opinions about those things, and I feel free as an individual to express those to my representatives. APhA's focus, and mine as an advocate for pharmacists, is entirely about ensuring any HCR legislation includes pharmacists' services.

I encourage you to get very familiar with the proposals being generated, AND I encourage you to express your opinions to your Members of Congress this coming month while they are home. In the process, I hope you will help us advocate for our profession's contributions to patient care, whether you agree or disagree with other aspects of HCR proposals. We have a lot to offer our patients in a system that recognizes our value. We feel good that medication therapy management services are included in the Senate HELP proposal and we're working to make sure it stays in final language. We appreciate your activism and support this month. Now is your chance!