A challenge to mentors: Political Leadership Breakfast at APhA2011
I just bought a bunch of tickets to give student pharmacists the opportunity to attend our Political Leadership Breakfast at the 2011 APhA Annual Meeting & Exposition in Seattle. It felt really good, and will feel even better when I see them there, on the front end of a politically active career.
Are you politically active? Are you looking for a way to support pharmacy’s initiatives or to mentor a student? I’m trying to set a good example, and I hope others will join in. On the morning of Monday, March 28, at the Washington State Convention Center in Ballroom 6B, we will host a Political Leadership Breakfast where attendees can network with other politically active pharmacists and hear from important policy strategists.
This year, our Government Affairs team has made it easy. You can now purchase tickets for the breakfast at www.pharmacist.com/ga/PLB.
If you have questions, ping Allison Wiley on the Government Affairs team at awiley@aphanet.org or at 202-429-7521. We look forward to seeing you in Seattle!