Blue-eyed, red-haired, left-handed pharmacists
In 1987, shortly after I joined the APhA staff the first time, George Griffenhagen, who has since retired, but who worked here at APhA with five CEOs (now six if you include me; he’s still working part time as our historian) stopped by my office and dropped off a copy of this article, written by him in 1974.
The article challenges the notion that methadone and other drugs might be placed in some type of restricted distribution system, which APhA opposed. George takes it to the absurd by suggesting that drugs might be limited to distribution by “blue-eyed, red-haired, left-handed pharmacists.”
George recognized in February 1987 that he had one of those now in his midst—me. It was the beginning of a great relationship that I have enjoyed and treasured with George these many years. Since then, I’ve found at least three other such pharmacists, but it’s a small club.
Anyway, I thought you might enjoy this. Maybe there’s another one or two of us out there.