Are we for or against Health Care Reform?
We have received many calls, email messages, and comments recently from members asking our position on HCR. Many are concerned with the overall direction of the various proposals in the Senate and House, as well as what they are hearing from President Obama. Due to many factors, the topic has become quite polarizing. Throughout the debate, we have stayed focused on our principles and on assuring that pharmacist services (not just our dispensing of drug products) are included in any passed legislation.
I have my personal opinions about financing, public option or cooperatives, employer or personal mandates, and other elements of the HCR legislation. At APhA, we've chosen to be a positive force for pharmacy by staying focused. For one, we have very well vetted policy on that topic. Also, I cannot be sure the large majority of our members are with me if I either support or oppose those other provisions.
We also continue to pursue AMP fixes, relief from DME Surety Bonds, and provider status whenever we get the opportunity. But MTM and pharmacist services are our focus. Meanwhile, I encourage each of you as Americans to participate in the process and voice your own opinions about other aspects of HCR. I see my job and my top priority as seeking the best future for pharmacists and the patients we serve.