APhA members: Rock the vote before it’s too late!
OK. We’re going to make this REALLY EASY! Vote now for candidates for APhA leadership.
If you are reading this blog post, then you can complete the voting process just as fast.
If you think you’ll get to it later, you probably won’t. SO, VOTE NOW. The 2015 election for APhA’s leadership is open until Monday, May 25, 2015.
All you have to do is view the candidates’ statements, biographies, and video messages. After reviewing the slate, search your e-mail using the keywords, “Election Services Corporation.” They are our official election vendor, and they sent out individualized ballots directly to your email inbox on March 27. They also sent out reminder e-mails on April 30 and May 8. Open any of these e-mails for ballot information and a customized ballot access code. Click on the link provided in the e-mail to log in and cast your ballot!
If you prefer a paper ballot or have questions about voting, contact Election Services Corporation at aphahelp@electionservicescorp.com. Paper ballots will only be sent upon request.
Every vote counts! Results will be announced in July. Elected candidates will be installed at APhA2016 in Baltimore, March 4–7, 2016.