Advocating for pharmacy in your own way
There are many ways you can advocate for the pharmacy profession. You could take part in APhA's provider status campaign, e-mail your legislator, or even visit your legislator to discuss what you do as a pharmacist. As a New Practitioner, I know first-hand how busy life can be. Therefore, simple and easily incorporated advocacy efforts may be ideal for you! Here’s what I do in my everyday life to advocate for our profession.
Talk about pharmacy wherever I go. When I get my haircut, I tell my hairstylist about my job, the misconceptions that many have of community pharmacists, and that I earned a PharmD degree. I even advocate while I shop. As the saleswomen rang up my 50% off pharmacy Christmas ornaments, she asked me if I worked in a pharmacy. I immediately jumped in and started telling her my pharmacy life story!
Use technology. We all use social media so that can also be a great outlet. You could spread good news from work or interesting facts you have learned about the medical world. For instance, when I feel I have made a difference in a patient or a student's life I tend to post about it. Why not be proud of your pharmacy accomplishments?
Find opportunities. APhA New Practitioner member Cyurry Choi, PharmD, and I recently visited a house in Laguna Hills, CA, to see their Christmas lights (they were on the Great Christmas Light Fight). The house included a text message screen and of course we couldn't help but advocate for both pharmacy and flu shots! See what we texted!
Talk to your family and friends about pharmacy. Holidays and family gatherings are a great time for this since many loved ones are catching up with you and tend to ask how work is going.
Take care of your family and friends. This is an easy one! Instead of talking about pharmacy, why not show people?
How do you plan to advocate in 2015?