APhA’s new website devoted to opioid use and abuse
As the incidence of opioid use and abuse continues to rise, pharmacists, as the most accessible health care providers (and drug experts), are often on the front lines of pain management and patient care. How do we as pharmacists make sure patients who are legitimately in pain receive the care they need, while at the same time minimizing the misuse and abuse of controlled substances?
To help provide pharmacists with guidance, information, and clarity, I’m pleased to announce the launch of a resource center, which will serve as a one-stop shop for pharmacists interested in learning more about opioid use, abuse, and misuse. The resource center will help educate pharmacists by identifying learning opportunities, highlighting clinical and patient resources, and identifying tools that are useful when working with patients who are prescribed opioids.
The center’s resources include training and webinars, interactive tools, federal and state resources related to opioids, information about trends in prescription drug abuse, and networking opportunities to connect with other health professionals through conferences, mentoring programs, and special interest groups.
I encourage you to check out the new resource center at www.pharmacist.com/opioid-use-abuse-and-misuse-resource-center.