APhA Election: Voting opens March 4
2016 is an important election year for our nation with the presidential elections—and for APhA! Just as it is vital that you vote in upcoming primaries and the General Election this fall, it’s also critical that you participate in the APhA Election to select APhA’s leaders.
This slate of candidates is made up of folks who all want to serve and are qualified to do so. Positions to be filled include APhA Board of Trustees and leadership of the APhA Academy of Pharmacy Practice & Management (APhA–APPM) and the APhA Academy of Pharmaceutical Research & Science (APhA–APRS). The APhA Honorary President is also on the ballot.
Voting opens on Friday, March 4, at 5:00 pm in Baltimore at our 2016 APhA Annual Meeting & Exposition.
Also on Friday, candidates for the Board of Trustees will be introduced to Annual Meeting attendees at the First Session of the APhA House of Delegates from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Attendees may interact with the Board of Trustees, APhA–APPM, and APhA–APRS candidates during a “Meet the Candidates” session on Monday, March 7. Additional information, including a voter’s guide and election timeline, will be available at http://www.pharmacist.com/apha-elections.
Keep your eye out for ballot information in your e-mail inbox. If you prefer a paper ballot, contact our election vendor, Election Services Corporation, at aphahelp@electionservicescorp.com. Paper ballots will only be sent upon request. Online and paper ballots must be received by 12:00 pm EST on Monday, May 2, 2016. The results of the 2016 APhA Election are expected to be released in June.
We are making voting easy for you. Vote using your computer or smart device (phone, tablet, etc.) or cast your vote at the voting booth located on Main Street at APhA2016 in Baltimore. Engage in determining YOUR Association’s leaders!