Congratulations to our new pharmacy specialists!

The results of the Fall 2015 Board of Pharmacy Specialties (BPS) specialty certification and recertification exams are in! The aggregate passing rate for the Fall testing window was a whopping 68.7%. There are now almost 25,000 BPS board certified pharmacists.

I’d like to offer a huge thanks to the expert volunteers who help build the tests and provide ongoing guidance. And of course, a hearty congratulations to the new board certified specialists. Way to go!

Board certification is more than additional letters after your name. It’s a great way for pharmacists to distinguish themselves as specialists in a particular field. Eight specialties currently are offered by BPS: ambulatory care pharmacy, critical care pharmacy, nuclear pharmacy, nutrition support pharmacy, oncology pharmacy, pediatric pharmacy, psychiatric pharmacy, and pharmacotherapy.

Additional BPS certifications are also in the works. BPS, an autonomous division of APhA, supports the Association’s strategic focus on gaining access to, and coverage for, pharmacist-provided patient care services, and recognizing pharmacists as valued members of the health care team.

If board certification sounds like something you might be interested in, registration for the Spring 2016 testing window opens in January. The Spring registration deadline is March 25, 2016, and examinations will be offered from April 21 to May 7, 2016 at more than 250 locations worldwide. Check out for all the details.