2015 APhA election results: An exciting step forward, a sentimental look back
A few days ago, I called all of the Board candidates, successful and unsuccessful, in the election of our new APhA Board of Trustees and APhA Academy leadership. Having been on both sides of the receiving line, I can empathize with how each of these individuals feels after hearing the news.
We are all so blessed that these folks are willing to stand for election and willing to serve, and we owe them a big thanks for putting their hats in the ring. Every candidate is heavily invested in his or her desire to serve, and I’d like to offer my thanks to every candidate on the ballot this year.
Although there is disappointment for some, I acknowledge and appreciate their efforts. Every candidate is supportive of their peers and the success of the organization. I encourage everyone to continue his or her desire to contribute to APhA, and keep that passionate fire in your field of vision.
On the day I called the leadership candidates, I spent some time looking at the dozens of group photos we have of APhA Trustees from years past. We have group shots from each year since 1916 up on the walls here at APhA headquarters. Through these photos, we honor them for their service by not letting them be forgotten.
As is the case with all of our Board members, we are grateful for their leadership. I have a long list of folks who should be thanked for their tireless efforts. In the course of my 30 years of engagement with APhA, I’ve had the privilege to know literally hundreds of our former leaders. I met Grover Bowles in 1987—my first year on staff during my “first tour of duty” at APhA. Grover was on our Board in 1958 and as far as I can tell, the earliest board member I’ve known. In 1982, after serving in 1969 as the first student on a reference committee, Leonard Edloe served at the age of 32 as the second youngest Trustee, after Bob Johnson. Interestingly, Leonard is now serving on our APhA Foundation Board. I had the privilege to know and work with Mary Munson Runge and Marily Rhudy. Perhaps my reminiscing will trigger a memory you have of current or former APhA leaders.
After you see the results of the 2015 elections, I hope you will take the time to thank all of the candidates for their tireless devotion to service on behalf of the patients we serve.
I also encourage all of you to look for ways to assume leadership roles within APhA, whether on the board, in an Academy, or in hundreds of other ways. There are opportunities to lead from where you are right now through your state association, practice sites, and community. Our profession’s best ambassadors are those pharmacists willing to show up and serve.
Finally, I’d like to congratulate Nancy A. Alvarez, PharmD, BCPS, FAPhA, of Lake Forest, CA, as 2016–2017 APhA President-elect. Elected to serve a 3-year term on APhA’s Board of Trustees, beginning in March 2016, are Daniel Zlott, PharmD, BCOP of Lovettsville, VA, and Daniel E. Buffington, PharmD, MBA, FAPhA, of Tampa, FL. Elected as 2016–2017 Honorary President is Jean Paul Gagnon, PhD, of Pittstown, NJ.
The results of the APhA Academy elections will be released shortly after all candidates have been contacted. All will be installed at the 163rd APhA Annual Meeting & Exposition in Baltimore, March 4–7, 2016.