You’re invited: CMS listening session on clinical practice transformation
Here’s a chance to get inside what CMS is thinking about patient care. CMS would like pharmacists and pharmacy associations to be among the clinicians and organizations attending a listening session on clinical practice transformation via a webinar on Friday, July 25, at 1:00 pm EDT. Free tickets to the webinar are available at a registration link.
The agency is interested in opportunities to help support the transformation of clinical practices to improve health and health care across the country. CMS is considering initiatives to encourage and assist with practice transformation to help practices to adapt and thrive in pay-for-value arrangements. This listening session is an opportunity for CMS to hear from a diverse group of stakeholders on topics related to practice transformation and how the health care system can be strengthened to encourage and support continuous practice transformation and to sustain it, CMS wrote in the invite.
We told them we would spread the word!