Another use for duct tape?

Following is the body of an e-mail I received from a friend and APhA member. She thought I would enjoy the story.

I thought I knew all the reasons why folks join APhA (thus the reference to duct tape—there’s always another use for duct tape), but I learned a new one today.


I thought you would love this one.

A friend of mine’s dad is a nonpharmacist, but has been an APhA member for over 20 years. He is a biologist by training, but has an intense curiosity and interest in medicine. He originally joined because he reached out to APhA for information regarding my friend’s brother’s medications for schizophrenia. APhA was the only organization that took the time to provide him with resources and information, and as a result, he has been a member ever since.

Last week, he had a successful kidney transplant and is recovering well. In fact, according to my friend, he is literally enjoying his hospital experience way too much. He loves interacting with his pharmacist about his meds. He said, “Now, I presume that you are a member of the American Pharmacists Association.” She sheepishly said no, but he told her that he would put her in contact with me to join. Have not heard yet, but I will let you know.

Great story! In case you are wondering, his name is [withheld].

I’ll follow up with our biologist member and wish him well in his recovery.