A change is gonna come

I’d like to pass along an interesting observation from the Redheaded Pharmacist blog. An excerpt follows:

What is not as often discussed is how those changes in community pharmacy also present us with opportunities to explore new avenues of community pharmacy practice models. If dispensing is the function of the past for community pharmacists, let's work towards identifying and defining the functions of our future.

In other words, change is inevitable, so look for ways to make it positive. (As a fellow redhead, I was pleased to resonate with that wisdom.)

In that spirit, at an important FDA hearing yesterday, I provided APhA’s comments to FDA on a proposed paradigm change for nonprescription drugs. In short, we see FDA’s proposal as an open door to opportunities for pharmacists, but only if we embrace change as positive and find new ways to collaborate on the health care team.

While we provided oral comments yesterday, our full written comments will not be completed until May 7. So your thoughts and comments to us will be most appreciated before then. What do you think?