Collaboration continues
Recently, APhA and the American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP) announced another collaboration that will make ACCP’s journal Pharmacotherapy available to APhA members at a significantly discounted rate. I am excited not only about the additional member benefit we can offer, and not only about making this valuable resource available to more pharmacist clinicians, but also about the continued collaboration between APhA and ACCP. You may recall that the two organizations, together with the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, collaborated on a successful petition for an Ambulatory Care Pharmacy specialty that has been recognized by the Board of Pharmacy Specialties. If you haven’t noticed yet, collaboration is a key theme for us at APhA.
APhA membership encompasses many varieties of core clinical pharmacy practices, such as innovative community pharmacy programs involving administration of vaccinations, and pharmacist-managed anticoagulation, diabetes, hypertension, and lipid clinics. Access to Pharmacotherapy provides APhA members with an additional professional development resource. And APhA’s members who designate themselves with a focus in clinical practice are highly regarded and typically play a prominent role in defining emerging trends for the profession.
I offer a tip of the hat to the publishers of Pharmacotherapy for working with us to provide APhA's clinical practitioners this premier clinical pharmacy journal, which has been demonstrated to be a consistently valuable resource and teaching tool.