Pharmacy e-HIT Collaborative call for action
The Pharmacy e-Health Information Technology (HIT) Collaborative was formed by nine national pharmacy organizations and has grown to include others. We continue the work of getting pharmacists access to and “functional use” of electronic health records (EHR).
The most important thing practicing pharmacists can do is to look for ways to adopt the EHR into their pharmacy management systems without delay. Pharmacists should participate in vendor user groups and push for greater access to EHR functionality and connectivity. Write, call, and otherwise bug your system vendors. Work with physicians, hospitals, other health care providers, and health information exchanges in your area to understand their systems’ functions so you can be specific in your requests to them.
There are activities going on in your community about which you may not be aware. Call your hospitals and physician practices to ask how you might support their efforts. Let us know how we can help.