APhM: Reaching consumers through the media
It’s hard to believe, but American Pharmacists Month (APhM) is here again—right around the corner. The APhA staff has been hard at work creating activities and celebrations to make sure that pharmacists are recognized for their hard work and dedication.
One of the main goals and areas of interest for APhM is consumer outreach through the media. This October, the team is focusing its messaging around pharmacists as part of the diabetes care team. According to the CDC, almost 25.8 million people, or 8.3% of the U.S. population, have diabetes. Among adults with diagnosed diabetes (type 1 or type 2), 84% are using some form of medication therapy for treatment. With the large number of medications used in the treatment of diabetes, a strong relationship between patient and pharmacist can support a patient’s disease management success.
The APhA Media Advisors will be part of several media activities to promote this message and the core “Know Your Medicine—Know Your Pharmacist” theme. In the early part of October, the team will conduct its annual satellite media tour in New York. And later in the month, a radio tour will be conducted to really bring home the message. The interviews will be broadcast on national, regional, and local TV and radio stations across the country.
Also on the media side of things, on October 6, APhA Academy of Student Pharmacists Chapters will again be participating in the annual Live From New York. The students will converge upon New York in their white coats to promote the “Know Your Medicine—Know Your Pharmacist” campaign and the pharmacy profession. The students are excited and their enthusiasm is ever apparent on camera. Support them and this great event by tuning in to the Today show, the Early Show, and Good Morning America.
Remember, if you haven’t finished your planning, hopefully our messaging and events will inspire an idea for you. And you can always visit www.pharmacist.com/aphm and the APhM Planning Guide. Make sure to send all your celebration photos and videos to aphm@aphanet.org or APhA’s Facebook page.