Are you ready for community pharmacy practice standards?
You are invited to read my editorial in the October Pharmacy Today, due to arrive on your doorstep any day and available online. Since before I returned to APhA staff in February, I've been monitoring various groups' interest in the creation of standards for community pharmacy practice. Some will call them best practices, while others will speak of accreditation of either pharmacies or pharmacists. I'll share with you that at least three national organizations, none with a pharmacist membership, are interested in the creation of these standards.
The 2015 Vision for Pharmacy, put forth by the Joint Commission of Pharmacy Practitioners, "sees" pharmacists as autonomous and accountable for outcomes. To get there, I argue that we must take a leadership role as a profession and establish our own standards, rather than waiting for it to be done to us. In my editorial, I challenge you to think about that. Are you ready? By writing this editorial, I intended to stimulate discussion, and I invite you to comment here. While I editorialize a bit -- that's my job -- I am really very interested in what you think.