What do you do—Your answer could win a very nice gift

So far, we have two comments on my earlier blog post that challenged readers to describe what you do in terms an eighth grader could understand. We'll be taking your descriptions through the weekend, and then will award a copy of The Practitioner’s Quick Reference to Nonprescription Drugs to the best one.

In case you are unfamiliar with the "prize," The Practitioner’s Quick Reference to Nonprescription Drugs contains information from the current edition of APhA's more comprehensive Handbook of Nonprescription Drugs: An Interactive Approach to Self-Care. Information in the quick reference has been edited and formatted to include only the content that practitioners are most likely to need during self-care consultations with patients. The book covers 25 common self-treatable conditions including acne, common cold, cough, fever, and headache.

Take a shot! We look forward to reading your descriptions.