American Pharmacists Month: Visiting Ukrop's Pharmacies
APhA Trustee Kelly Goode and I last month had the opportunity to visit Ukrop’s Pharmacies in the greater Richmond, VA, area. John Beckner, Pharmacist and Director of Pharmacy and Wellness, hosted us for the three-store visit on October 16.
While each location had a generally similar feel, the pharmacists and technicians were proud of their unique services, their teamwork, and perhaps most importantly, their connection with their patients. One store offered an extensive travel immunization service that was being tested for ways to extend it to other stores via a “hub and spoke” process. Other stores conducted extensive MTM. All were heavily involved in influenza vaccinations.
I received my seasonal flu shot from pharmacist Jessie Evans and gladly paid my fee!
At APhA, we get questions about the scalability of MTM all the time. We also get questions about whether most pharmacists even know what the services include. Ukrops is just one example of many—as evidenced on the MTM map —where MTM is a major part of practice.
To everyone who is doing the work—keep it up. You are making a difference!