HCR Implementation Team formed
Just as we did in the advocacy phase of health care reform, APhA has established an internal HCR Implementation Team for the coming onslaught of regulations. The Affordable Care Act is now in the hands of several federal agencies, and APhA will need to track a multitude of tasks and details in the coming months and years.
The HCR Implementation Team cuts across divisions and is action oriented. The group coordinates our efforts from legal and political analysis through advocacy with regulators, pursuit of funding and legislative fixes, publications, and communications.
Those of you who followed and participated in the Congressional process through our HCR Hub will find similar timely, useful information posted in the coming months. But tasks and topics will be more focused on the shaping and implementation of new regulations as well as the communication of opportunities in which you can participate.
Stay tuned—and thanks for your ongoing support. The level of participation these past months has been nothing short of amazing!