New government affairs chief joins APhA

In June, Brian Gallagher, BPharm, JD, joins the APhA staff as Senior Vice President of Government Affairs. I've followed Brian's career for many years, and I look forward to his contributions and his counsel as a member of our senior staff. The process that led to his hiring included reviewing dozens of resumes and interviewing numerous people. I was gratified with the quality of candidates for the job, and I'm confident we got the best.

We've posted on both a news release and a news article about Brian. In short, he has experience in the practice of pharmacy and law, as general counsel of a hospital, a state legislator, lobbyist and association executive, as well as legal work with a major chain and a venture backed start up. This broad background will give us an amazing array of additional state and federal perspectives as we work to optimize pharmacy's opportunities and patients' care during implementation of the health care reform law.

Welcome aboard, Brian!