As a New Practitioner

(within 5 years of graduation)

APhA supports your successful college-to-career transition by focusing on your most pressing issues like financial management, work/life balance, and making an impact as a community leader. Free and discounted CE courses take you inside today’s hottest pharmacy topics, from diabetes treatment to pain management and the New Practitioner Network provides you with the resources to help you effectively navigate the early years of your career.


Congratulations on your entry into the pharmacy profession. As a New Practitioner you only pay $129 annually for each year of membership for your first 5 years post-graduation. That’s a 50% savings per year.


Choose a membership that fits your career needs:

Expanded professional connections and the knowledge and skills needed to define the future of pharmacy with APhA’s New Practitioner Network.
Practice-related information and lifestyle articles to ease your school-to-work shift with Transitions, our bi-monthly digital newsletter written by and for new practitioners.
Leadership opportunities ranging from student mentor to advisory committee member.
Critical updates on the latest trends and developments in pharmacy related to your specific interests, via the APhA Academies:
Financial Education Resources (mermber-exclusive) provide you with student debt management solutions, refinancing options, and savings strategies. Take advantage of our webinars, free tools, and financial consultations to secure a stable financial future.
Pathway to New Practitioner Life Webinar Series introduces you to opportunities for pharmacists, aids in your professional development, and helps you better understand the next steps in your career.


ENGAGED Membership

You receive a 50% discount on membership for the first 5 years post-graduation. You save $130 per year.




Included access to 80+ CPE opportunities and training discounts.

Digital subscription to Transitions and Pharmacy Today newsletters.

Pathway to New Practitioner Life Webinar Series introduces you to opportunities for pharmacists, aids in your professional development, and helps you better understand the next steps in your career.
Print/digital access to APhA Journals (JAPhA, JPharmSci) and Pharmacy Today.
Practice tools and resources.
Expanded professional connections and the knowledge and skills needed to define the future of pharmacy with APhA’s New Practitioner Network.



Legislative and regulatory updates.

Late breaking drug and practice news and information.

Connection to your peers via ENGAGE (APhA’s member-only online community).
Exclusive member discounts on training and books.
Dues: $129 (1 yr) or save with a 2 yr membership for $235
Are you an APhA power user interested in a free upgrade to premium registration at Annual Meeting and additional member discounts? Consider the ENGAGED PLUS membership.