Congratulations to APhA’s 2018 election winners
The votes have been counted and the results are in. We now know who will be leading APhA as our 2020–21 president—Michael D. Hogue, PharmD, FAPhA, FNAP, of Gardendale, AL.
Michael has a long history of volunteer leadership at APhA. He is currently the Speaker of the APhA House of Delegates and serves on the Board of Trustees. He formerly served as the APhA-APPM President and as the APhA-ASP National President.
APhA members also elected two new members of the Board of Trustees: Sean Jeffery, PharmD, BCGP, FASCP, AGSF, of Branford, CT, and Wendy Weber, PharmD, MBA, BCPS, FAPhA, of Bellevue, NE, will serve 3–year terms. Dorothy L. Smith, PharmD, of McLean, VA, was elected as 2019–20 Honorary President.
Our elected officers will be installed at APhA2020 in Washington, DC.
Volunteer leaders are vital to moving APhA’s initiatives forward in our pursuit of pharmacist provider status recognition, full integration into the health care team, and patient access to the cost-effective and lifesaving care pharmacists can provide. We are able to achieve success with the tireless efforts of member volunteers, who make major contributions to the profession.
I served as an APhA President in 2001 and I know the commitment it takes. My leadership path was not without bumps in the road, but my desire to serve was the fuel that powered my engine. APhA and the pharmacy profession owe all who step forward to lead from wherever they are. To those who were successful, congratulations. To those who were not or those contemplating whether to run, keep your desire to lead as your driver.