Keep making noise about how pharmacists are fighting the opioid crisis

We asked, and you delivered. THANK YOU!

APhA has been on social media and rallying the troops to contact their representatives in Congress and tell them that to make a meaningful impact on the opioid crisis, pharmacists must be allowed to get off the bench and in the game.

The response has been tremendous! So far 4,393 of you have used our easy form to email your legislators and ask them to include pharmacists in their discussions about combatting the opioid crisis.

THANK YOU to all of you who have heeded the call to take action!

Keep ‘em coming! We’ve got some momentum—let’s keep it going!

We’re asking our representatives to pass the Pharmacy and Medically Underserved Areas Enhancement Act (S. 109/H.R. 592) and take advantage of our accessibility and our ability to optimize and manage the impact of medications, review medications to help prevent overprescribing, coordinate care, tailor care plans to patient needs, identify patients at high risk of opioid overuse, and provide recommendations for nonopioid pain management alternatives.

We’ve made it easy for you to take action! It takes less than 5 minutes to send one of our prewritten emails to your representative. All you have to do is fill out your contact information, view the email, and click submit. Done!

I’m ecstatic, proud, excited, and inspired by the way you’ve stepped up to advocate for our profession and our patients and communities. Let’s keep it up!